Pastoral Care
If you only believe a man's deeds
that he really did, my dear doctor,
then you will never get to know him. ...
As if a thousand images that one fears or hopes
and all the deeds that remain undone in our life,
do not also belong to the truth of our lives.
Max Frisch
Listen and stay
Who can we talk to about what we fear or hope?
Who is just listening to us? Who feels with us? Without a quick diagnosis, without a condemnation?
Pastoral care is first and foremost this: listening, being there, staying. It often happens quite naturally in our community because people share in each other's fate.
We are there for you, we support you in clarifying relationships or in decision-making. We look for answers together with you, even if there is not always a quick solution. A different light falls on some problems within the horizon of faith.
We, that is Pastor Lars Klehn and Pastoral Advisor Udo Bauer. We are trained in interviewing, counselling and pastoral care - accompany you, regardless of your religious affiliation and nationality. We are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
If you would like to speak to one of us, please contact us to arrange an initial meeting.