
What does membership achieve for me?

Contrary to lutheran congregations which are resident in Germany and can count on Church Tax contributions, the German congregations in foreign location have to finance their expenses through voluntary contributions from their members or donations. Therefore,  Pfarramtsbereich London-West is also dependent upon their  members  and the contributions of the membership. The contributions of the congregation guaranty your right to vote at the congregational assemblies and thus you can actively participate to create the life of the congregation.

How do I become a member?

You will fill in a questionnaire for the    particular congregation to which you feel a sense of belonging. Respective links to the questionaires can be found at the bottom of this page. You may   also ask for these forms from the teasurer of the congregation or the vicar in charge.

How much do I pay?

You decide the amount of your contribution. We suggest an amount corresponding to the amount of Church Tax applicable in Germany, i.e.  8% respectively 9 % of the Income Tax. Hints relating to the method of payment you can find in the membership declaration. A “Standing Order” is for you convenient and for us less trouble and effort.    

Should you be accessed under GB tax jurisdiction we ask you for a Gift-Aid-Declaration (this can also be downloaded from the Homepage). This authorizes the congregation – being a registered charity -to claim 25 % Tax from H&M Revenue & Customs.  

If on the other hand you are being assessed under German Tax jurisdiction (normally during your stay abroad without  paying Church Tax) the treasurers of the congregation will happily oblige to issue you with a Statement  of Donations for the Tax Office.